Sis Brostop Brodyguard

Sis Brostop BrodyguardThis muscular member of the Dude Squad is the only one among them that is actually a sis. Real name Melinda, pronoun “her”; Sis is a transgender bodyguard currently employed by a mysterious client of unknown ethnicity.

She and Chicken were apparently quite close and rumors have spread that the future bodyguard always had a thing for Dudebro.

This was prior to the latter rejoining the army, which may have contributed to Melinda’s growing detachment from the other bros, which eventually led her to reevaluate herself and find the courage to finally undergo the sex change surgery she had been postponing.

Then, she started a new life and chose a profession that fit with her peculiar surname.

Sis has the most physical prowess in the entire Dude Squad. Despite her immense size, she is capable of moving incredibly fast. Using the inertia brought on by this speed, she is capable of deflecting bullets, which bounce off her body like nothing.

You never want to play tennis against Melinda…

— John Dudebro

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