Story Of A Pro And His Knife

Back when Dudebro II was still a top-down shooter, the first enemy type we came up with were the SkullPro Soldiers, foot soldiers equipped with guns pretty much identical to John Dudebro’s own Razor Blood. To complement them effectively, we soon realized that melee enemies, larger in numbers and with movements significantly faster to better flank the player from multiple directions, would have been ideal.

So, we came up with a SkullPro variation… Enter the Inuits.


They were originally only meant to be used in the first chapter, set in Alaska, and later replaced by other enemy types. For this reason, to differentiate them further from the gun-wielding SkullPros, we decided to make them ice themed, and gave them a frozen salmon as their weapon of choice because that looked just ridiculous enough.
After they were added to the game, though, we realized that fighting them felt good enough to warrant their use in later levels as well. Even more so after Dudebro II became a 2D sidescroller: their role as weak, expendable enemies that could get surprisingly dangerous when attacking en masse proved itself essential rather soon.

There was only one problem: their looks. In Dudebro’s globetrotting adventure, finding some Inuits stranded in unexpected locations, possibly all sweaty for the higher temperatures, would have been funny… but masses of them? They would only have looked out of place.

So, we came up with a variation of the variation… Enter the KnifePros.


Besides their appearance, how exactly they differ from regular Inuits will only become apparent after playing the game.

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